
Space Considerations

People doing breaststroke need to realize that their arms extend a long way out. They need to account for this fact when they swim close to a lane line. If they don't, they are likely to hit the person in the next lane. Every time they go by him. Nevertheless, swimming is getting better each day as I continue to work on going fairly fast, over and over again. Today it was 5x200, 10x100 and 10x50. I tried to swim 10 to 15 percent faster than my 1000-yard pace, generally taking 15-second rests for recovery. I had planned to go 20x50 on that last set but I was whipped, my stroke was falling apart, and I simply could not go fast anymore. But now I have something to work up to.

Also today: The predawn bike. I say predawn but I did notice today that light was starting to come in through the basement window well before 7, indicating the solar system is still functioning as it is supposed to and the days are getting longer. Good to know there's one thing Obama won't have to fix. Anyway, the ride was an hour. Fifteen minutes warming up then the rest of the way at low wattage (150) but high RPMs (90). That felt good.

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