
Digging Deep

There was wheelbarrow filling and moving and there was weeding, too, on the docket this morning. The Lad and I spent three hour in Z1 and Z2 (those shovelfuls were flying pretty quickly for a while) at the Oregon Food Bank, helping out in the garden. It was one of those workouts where, at first, it seemed like it wouldn't amount to much. It got started slightly late and the focus early on was a bit fuzzy. But by the end, you could tell a pretty sizeable transformation had taken place. This time, barren beds were covered with a thick layer of compost, and weedy ones were cleared. Mulch atop newspapers created pathways that would serve gardeners well throughout the growing season. Peas were planted. And the chicken didn't get out. Later, I rode 25 on the bike, a spin that featured a series of freaking hammer-hard one-mile intervals (each one a half-mile at 100 rpm, then a half-mile cranking in my biggest gear) separated by one minute of rest. Good stuff, though mere precursor to next week's Bike Bonanza.

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