
Mission Accomplished

I've been spending a lot of time with The Lad this week, so training has been on the light side. I did get to the pool again today—five days in a row, as promised. This was a weekday morning swim, which I never do, so it was an altogether different scene. I arrived around 8:45 and the last of the serious swimmers were wrapping up and the rotund elderly ladies were gathering for their aqua exercise class (more power to 'em). We still had six lanes, and I was solo, a rarity. Right from the start it was clear that, even with my wimpy mileage, the frequency of my swims was taking a toll. My arms felt a little rubbery. But after a thousand to loosen up I got in a decent 10x100 set, not quite as sharp as yesterday, 1:45s instead of 1:40s, but not bad. Then 500 easy and 5x100 to finish. The last 1000 yards were done in a lane with 14 other people, three zoo animals and a tugboat. OK, three other people. Felt crowded. At 9:30, the aqua class was getting going so four lanes had been eliminated. It was hectic, but so is the mass start at Ironman Coeur d'Alene, so you may slap me around if I complain.

Next Monday, when I get back into the pool, I'll have a report on whether my five-day focus on swimming has led to any great gains or if the whole thing was a giant stinking allergy-inducing waste of time.

Later today: Got on the trainer for a smooth, steady, gentle climb over 20 miles. Did it in an hour. (Actually, 59:27.) Legs felt good. Oh, just so you know: Next week is officially Big Cycling Week. No fewer than 10 hours on the bike, ideally 12 or more. Uh-huh!

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