
I Didn't Forget

So I went 18 hours, then 7.5, then 18.5, then 10.5 in the week that finished today. (Last workout was at the pool, 20x100, with The Lad providing timing services. Nice not to have to think about hitting the lap button. Everything under 1:45, a few under 1:40. Good stuff.) Alternating heavy and light weeks might not be the recommended strategy, but it's my reality, and I'm very good with it.

This week will be interesting. I'm heading down to Northern California for some work and visiting for a couple of days. I haven't been down in more than six months, a preposterously long time. I'm looking forward to getting in a couple of good rides with some old friends (old but fast!). Swimming could be very light. Yep, it's going to be a bike week, with a couple of long runs also in there. Just what I need.

In other news: Signed up for the 4000 meter race at the Hagg Lake Open Water Swim on May 31. I am so excited to have this on the schedule. Great prep and status check for the CDA swim.

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